Chi-Rho (6th-8th grades)

Chi Rho is for youth in 6th – 8th grades.  We meet every Wednesday night from 6-7:30pm. The evening begins with a free meal together with the CYF group, usually provided by church members. We then split off for our own discussion and games. We also meet for Sunday School at 9:30am on Sundays. We are currently using the Echo the Story Curriculum. Each Spring we take a Chi Rho Mission Trip and each Summer we go to Camp together.

CYF (9th – 12th grades)

CYF is for 9th – 12th grades.  We meet every Wednesday night from 6-7:30pm. The evening begins with a free meal together with the Chi Rho group, usually provided by church members. We then split off for our own discussion and games. We also meet for Sunday School at 9:30am on Sundays. Each summer, we go to the Christian Conference Center for camp and take an out of state Mission Trip. In the past, we have gone to St. Louis, Dallas, Minneapolis, Columbus, and Detroit.10945755_10152671199291527_3978395540932066919_n1915647_10153310803006527_3268348491772086856_n