logoThe Norwalk Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has been part of the Norwalk community since 1869 and affiliated with the denomination The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

The symbol of this denomination is a red chalice bearing the “X-shaped” cross of St. Andrew. The chalice symbolizes the centrality of the Lord’s supper to Disciples’ lives. St. Andrew has been identified with the laity and evangelism, prominent emphases of Disciples in the cropped-Chaliceicon.jpgpast, present and future. We believe that all church members should be active in the leadership and ministry of the church.

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) does not have a formal statement of beliefs.  We study the Bible to deepen our connection to God through Jesus Christ, and to discover how God wants us to live with and love one another. We recognize that the Bible was written in a time and place very different from our own. In our studies we recognize the multiple layers of meaning a text may present enriching our understanding. We are okay with disagreement over what a Biblical text may mean, and care more about the “Good News” that is present IMG_2077in that text, and how it shapes our lives and calls us into the world in ministry.

Communion is celebrated weekly in Disciples congregations.  We maynot believe the same things or express our faith the same way, yet we gather at the table each Sunday as a symbol of the love that binds us together. Everyone is welcome to share in communion, no matter your personal beliefs or church tradition. We welcome all to Christ’s table as God has welcomed and loved us.

People are welcomed into membership by coming forward during worship and making a public confession of faith. The pastor extends the “right hand of Christian fellowship” and asks the question, “Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God and do YOU proclaim him Savior and Lord?”

The Disciples practice “believers baptism,” meaning we baptize by immersion those who are of an age to commit to a life of Christian discipleship. Following one’s confession of faith, one may be baptized. However, if you’ve already been baptized in a different church, as a child or an adult–that’s okay. We accept any baptism centered in faith, no matter if it was done in another church or tradition or by another method (i.e. infant baptism). There is no need for re-baptism.we are disciples